Regarding the guarantees

    • The warranty period starts from the date of purchase of the product and the invoice indicates the warranty period applicable to the product.
    • The guarantee holds Capris S.A. responsible. to repair or replace the parts as previously assessed by the Service Center at the facilities of Capris S.A. If a visit to the client's facilities is required, the client must bear the costs of the visit.
    • The replacement of the parts or spare parts by guarantee will be carried out as long as the defects are due to manufacturing problems or deficiency in any of the parts.
    • The equipment can be designed for heavy, light or domestic work, so it must be used under the working conditions specified by the manufacturer, this includes the work environment, optimal installation and correct maintenance.
    • The guarantee is subject to conditions of normal use of the equipment and does not apply in cases of operator negligence, or that the equipment has suffered abuse or misuse.
    • If the equipment is repaired, disassembled or modified by unauthorized persons, the guarantee loses its validity.
    • The price of the equipment does not include installation and/or transportation costs, unless it is stated literally on the invoice.
    • It is the responsibility of the user to give the correct maintenance to the equipment (lubrication, cleaning, oil changes, filter changes, etc.).
    • The guarantee does not apply to consumables (coals, oils, nozzles, electrode holders, gaskets, filters, fibers, roles, hoses, etc.) or due to normal wear and tear of the equipment.
    • Electronic equipment that requires specialized software (aligners, automotive scanners and others) require updates and/or expansions every six months, the costs and responsibility of which will be assumed by the client.
    • In case of technical doubts regarding the use, maintenance, installation or other of the equipment, please contact our technical department at (506) 2519-5070 or to the emailservicio@capris.co.cr.
    • Regarding questions about warranty policies, you can contact the Customer Service department at 8000-CAPRIS (8000-227747).